

Residential Loan Post

January 3, 2022
Appraised Value: $0
Loan amount: $0
Broker zip: $0
Fico: $0
December 27, 2021
Appraised Value: $10
Loan amount: $15
Broker zip: $0
Fico: $20


December 27, 2021
Property location: Arkansas
Property type: Modular home
Appraised Value: $0
Product type: 2/28 ARM
Occupancy: Vacation Home
Loan amount: $0
Lien position: Second
Broker zip: $0
Fico: $0

My client is looking for a loan to pay off his outstanding debts to improve his credit score so that he can refinance his house in a year or two into a conventional loan and pay off the hard money loan. This property is paid free and clear and is owner-occupied. Please call me 949-872-6219

December 27, 2021
Property location: Arkansas
Property type: Modular home
Appraised Value: $0
Product type: 2/28 ARM
Occupancy: Vacation Home
Loan amount: $0
Lien position: Second
Broker zip: $0
Fico: $0

My client is looking for a loan to pay off his outstanding debts to improve his credit score so that he can refinance his house in a year or two into a conventional loan and pay off the hard money loan. This property is paid free and clear and is owner-occupied. Please call me 949-872-6219

November 22, 2021
Property location: Nevada
Property type: Condo
Appraised Value: $640,000
Product type: 50-Yr Fixed
Occupancy: Vacation Home
Loan amount: $210,000
Purpose: Refi: Cashout
Lien position: Second
Broker zip: $254,560
Fico: $65

My client is looking for a loan to pay off his outstanding debts to improve his credit score so that he can refinance his house in a year or two into a conventional loan and pay off the hard money loan. This property is paid free and clear and is owner-occupied. Please call me 949-872-6219

November 22, 2021
Property location: New Jersey
Appraised Value: $480,000
Product type: 50-Yr Fixed
Occupancy: Vacation Home
Loan amount: $120,000
Lien position: First
Broker zip: $480,850
Fico: $800

My client is looking for a loan to pay off his outstanding debts to improve his credit score so that he can refinance his house in a year or two into a conventional loan and pay off the hard money loan. This property is paid free and clear and is owner-occupied. Please call me 949-872-6219

Loan Filter

Loan category
Property location - loan
Property type - loan
Purpose - loan
Lien position
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